article of association of imad

Governance Structure

• IMAD governance structure is comprised of a council, which will consist of members elected by a democratic process by all IMAD members.

• Council is the governing and decision-making body, with the authority to review and direct the general affairs of the association.

• Any amendments to the article of association should be approved in a general meeting by 2/3 majority of its attendees.

• All decisions taken by the council will be based on the majority vote of its members.

• IMAD Domain, Accounts and Data of all members will be regulated, protected and owned by the council and not by any individual.

• In general, council is responsible for conducting organizational activities in accordance with the mission, objectives and articles of the association of IMAD. It is the council’s responsibility to be transparent in their decision-making process.

• Elected council members should be fully committed to their role and responsibilities.

• In case of resignations up to two council members, council will share the roles and responsibilities of these vacant positions.

• The council has the authority to add or remove any member from IMAD. In case of removal of a member for disciplinary action, the council must unanimously approve the decision and provide a written justification to the member in question.

• IMAD is open for guest participation in any event or program after consent from event management team.

• All communication from the association (internal or external), including announcements, notices, events, programs, and annual reports may take place electronically by email or through association’s media platforms.

• The maximum yearly spends by the all council members together should not exceed 5000 DKK. Any expenditures above this should be consulted within general meeting. For any event or multiple events, council can spend between 1000-2000 DKK in a month.

Council Formation Process

• IMAD council is elected annually by a democratic process and will consists of 7 members.

• All members have the right to nominate only themselves for the council regardless of race, age, religion and gender.

• The council representative and secretary will call for a general meeting 30 days prior to end of council term to form an independent body of 3 IMAD members to conduct council elections. Members of the independent body will not have the right to nominate themselves for the council elections.

• No current council members will have the right to be in the independent body for conducting elections.

• Current council members also have the right to nominate himself/herself again for the council election.

• In the event of change of council, it is the responsibility of the current council to hand over all data, information and authority to the new council in due time i.e. maximum 30 days within formation of the new council.

• IMAD MitID should be handled by the Council Representative and Signing authority. User name and password should be handed over to the new council every year and the new council is responsible for changing the password and safeguarding the key cards. Any approvals or authorizations using IMAD MitID should be prior approved in the internal council meeting and if needed in General meeting.

• In the event of resignation of more than two council members the council will call for a new nomination from existing IMAD members. An election will be conducted when nominations received are more than vacant positions.

• In case of any midterm resignation an official email should be sent by the resignee to council email address. Resignation by any council member should be discussed and approved in council internal meetings. An official confirmation of the resignation should be communicated to the resignee and IMAD members. The council should complete the above process in 4 weeks from the date of notice.

• In the event of addition of a new member to the council it is council’s responsibility to apprise the new member on the mission, objectives and governance structure of the association.

• Working groups will be created for the initial formation of the association whose roles and responsibilities will be decided in a general meeting.

• Until the formation of the first council, working group is responsible for registration of IMAD membership.

Steps to assign roles in the council

• Elected members of the council will assign following roles to its members with mutual consent.

• The elected council is responsible to assign roles within two weeks of formation.

• In case of no mutual consent in the council on internal roles the council will go for a sortition (selection by a draw) for the unassigned roles.

Council members will perform following responsibilities and maintain transparency

Role Responsibility Strength
Council Representative Represent the association to public and private bodiesEnsure code of conduct 1
Secretary Day to day operationsActing Council Representative in absence of council representative 1
Treasurer Manage accounts and booksAnnual Financial Report 1
Data and Information Manager Manage IMAD domain accessMaintain data privacy and securityMembers registration and de-registration 1
Communication and Social Media Manager Internal and External communicationsMedia content management 1
Event Manager Organize all social and cultural eventsOrganize educational and skill enhancement programs 2
Others Ad hoc task forces and working groups may also be established for specific purposes and for limited periods.  As and when required

General Meetings

Council has the authority to call for a general meeting with a minimum of two weeks’ notice

• An exceptional general meeting can be initiated by IMAD members with minimum 25% representation and with a formal written request for the following scenarios:

      a. Discrepancies in election process

      b. No confidence on functioning of council

      c. A special situation where the organization need to support a specific situation or scenario that impacts any individual or Indian Muslim community in general

• Council is responsible to conduct a general meeting every quarter of a year

• Members have right to vote through email or other platform in case unable to attend General Meeting

• Complete minutes of the general meeting with future course of actions and decision taken must be circulated to IMAD members within a week

Membership Eligibility Criteria

• Applicant (or spouse of applicant) should be of Indian origin and legal resident in Denmark. Mother or father, if anyone had Indian passport then also it can be taken as Indian origin.
• Due to proximity of Greater Copenhagen to Malmo, membership applications are accepted for members legally residing in Malmo and at least one of the family members is working in Denmark.
• All applicants should provide evidence of legal residence in Denmark or Malmo up on request only. Danish CPR will be considered as a document for verification of legal residence or work.
• All applicants should have completed 18 years at the time of application. Children under 18 are granted membership as dependants.
• In exceptional cases membership shall be granted based on council’s decision.

Membership Withdrawal Procedure

• If any member has decided to discontinue his/her membership from IMAD then a formal written request of membership withdrawal needs to be sent to current acting council’s common email. And if personal data of withdrawing member also need to be deleted then he/she should explicitly mention deletion of personal data in the membership withdrawal request.
• Paid Membership fee of the previous years and current year will not be returned or refund when withdrawal application is requested. (Membership fees collected are nominal for the functioning of IMAD).
• Acting Council members are responsible for handling of all withdrawal requests internally. Council (Data & Information team) is responsible for deletion of personal data and cancellation of membership to the requestor.
• Membership numbers allocated are unique and the same numbers will not be reused for new members.

Code of Conduct

General Guidelines

• Any conflict or dispute must be discussed with the council and not in general. A distribution list will be circulated to all IMAD members to share their complains and grievances.
• IMAD members must not use any abusive or derogative language, must mutually respect each other and must not gossip or discuss personal matters during any association meeting, event, social media platform or program
• IMAD members will not use public distribution list for any communication or personal messages
• Council members are accountable for all general meeting and ensure 75% attendance
• Council members must be fully committed to their role and fulfil their responsibilities
• Council members should only use the association identity for its welfare and not for personal benefits or vested interest.
• Any member affiliated or connected to a political organization will not influence or endorse their political view in the association.

Confidential Information

  • As a council member you have an obligation to protect confidential and personal information in relation to other members and other organisations/events.
  • If you have access to confidential information (including addresses or telephone numbers of members), you should never discuss or disclose such information to anyone other than the person/s authorised to receive it, both during and after your involvement with the organisation/event.

Media Contact

  • All requests from media for comments/information should be politely directed to the communication manager. This will ensure the accuracy of all information given to the media and help to maintain good relationships. Similarly, you should not give any interviews, appear in any promotions, advertisements or endorsements, or give any assistance to the media in relation to any story concerning IMAD operations. Association cannot be held responsible for its members opinion in social media, public forum or association’s owned forum.

Criminal/Illegal activity

  • Any member found to be engaging in criminal or illegal activity will be subjected to disciplinary action and if needed will be referred to the authorities.

Data Privacy

• Personal data of members will be used only for administrative purpose internally and will not be shared externally or to any other member on request. Usage of members personal data is solely to provide IMAD’s Services.
• IMAD will never rent, sell, or otherwise provide personal data to any third party for advertising or for marketing purposes without your consent.
• Members have the right to request to delete their personal data on withdrawing themselves from the association. Any single or family photos of an individual or a family can be deleted on request only. Any residual data will be deleted within 60/90 days maximum. Photos taken as a group photo in any of IMAD’s event are not considered as personal data. Group photos will be capture on focusing the event not on any individual so therefore they are also not considered as personal data. Any member with any objections to group photographs in an advent of any event are requested to raise their concern beforehand.

Association Finances

• Any financial transactions related to membership fee should have a legal stand showing such funds are paid by national banks or mobile pay.
• Any charity activities for a specific cause, donations for IMAD, donations for any program, events should be traceable. For any charity done from association fund should be informed and agreed by its members in majority.
• Annual financial report will be published and shared with all IMAD members.
• In case of assets gained during the tenure of IMAD, such assets should be declared in the annual financial reports.
• The association will be funded based on membership fees, donations, sponsorships and grants.


• The Association language is English.
• Association announcements may be prepared in English or Danish (in specific cases)


• Unless otherwise provided by Danish law, any resolution for the dissolution of the association must be passed in the General Meeting.
• All funds and association’s assets will be liquified according to its majority members agreement and will be donated to non-profit charity organization or will be use for the benefit of society with majority consent.