Qurbani is the sacrifice of a livestock animal and is carried out during Eid al-Adha, the celebration of the prophet Ibrahim’s (S.A) willingness to sacrifice his beloved son Hazrat Ishmael (S.A) upon Allah’s (SWT) request.

 It is important for Muslims to adhere to the Qurbani meat distribution rules in order to carry out the sacrifice and subsequent division of the meat in accordance with the wishes of Allah (SWT). 


The meat for Qurbani comes from an animal that must be sacrificed during the festival of Eid alAdha. The meat from each animal is apportioned into shares and the amount of shares per animal varies, as outlined below.

If the Qurbani Donation is a goat or sheep, this counts as a single share, meaning that an individual must purchase the animal solely in its entirety to perform their Qurbani. On the other hand, a camel, cow, bull, or buffalo has seven shares. This means that up to seven people can contribute towards the cost of the animal and receive their share in accordance with Qurbani meat distribution rules. 

The animal can be male or female but should have no injuries, disabilities, or broken bones (including its horns). Qurbani falls on the 10th, 11th, and 12th days of Dhul Hijjah and sacrifices can only be made at this time after the Eid prayer takes place at the start of Eid al-Adha. Sacrifices that are made prior to the Eid prayer are not considered Qurbani and must be made again after the special Eid prayer.


 The meat of a sacrificed animal should be divided into three parts:

 • One part for the person who supplied the animal

 • One part to be shared out among their family, friends or neighbours

 • One part to be given to those in need

 Furthermore, there are no rules stating that those who receive meat from a Qurbani sacrifice must follow the Muslim faith. 

“Allah (SWT) does not forbid you to deal justly and kindly with those who fought not against you on account of religion and did not drive you out of your homes. Verily, Allah (SWT) loves those who deal with equity.” – al-Mumtahinah 60:8

 “The animal offerings are among the rites decreed by GOD for your own good. You shall mention God’s name on them while they are standing in line. Once they are offered for sacrifice, you shall eat therefrom and feed the poor and the needy. This is why we subdued them for you, that you may show your appreciation.” – Qu’ran 22:36

 The skin of a Qurbani animal can be kept and used, but if it is sold then the money should be donated to the poor. 


Qurbani is a time for sacrifice and remembrance and it can teach us so many things about our world, our faith, and our relationship with Allah (SWT).

 By leading us in celebration of the Prophet Ibrahim (S.A)’s utter devotion to Allah (SWT) and his willingness to give up his only son, Qurbani takes a symbolic remembrance of an important example of submission to Allah (SWT) from the Qu’ran and turns it into a real moment of charity. An ultimate expression of the meaning of the word ‘Islam’. 

By making every Muslim responsible for providing a third of the meat from their Qurbani sacrifice for the enjoyment of others at this auspicious time, Allah (SWT) teaches us several lessons at once. First, that the Ummah is a place of equality, and that all must give for everyone. Second, that celebration in Islam is for everyone, and that none should be left out. Third, that all things come from Allah (SWT) and thus they must be given to those He loves with great urgency.


1) Qurbani is either given on the day of the Eid or a day after depending on the availability of the butchers here in Denmark. 

2) Any Halal Butcher shops in Nørrebro OR at your local area may take Qurbani Orders (shops like Javanmard slagter (Ph: 38 33 11 44), Mix Bazar, Lygten Bazar (Ph: 22 27 89 01 / 26 73 79 77), Albertslund Kob Center (Ph: 53 34 10 19), Slagter Ali Baba, Halmtorvet 10 st tv, 1700 Copenhagen, (Ph: 33 31 61 12)) – *Please note IMAD neither coordinates, endorse or get any monitory benefits from these shops. Mostly All Halal Slagter shops will take Qurbani Orders. We have only given few shop names for quick reference. 

3) Orders have to be placed atleast 2 weeks in advance with any of the meat shops vendors to book your slaughter for the animal of your choice (goat, sheep or Cow/Buffalo).

 4) Qurbani Slaughter price would be 100 DKK per kg (for goat/sheep) excluding the slaughter chargers (which is most likely 100 – 120 DKK per goat).

 5) Butcher will hand over all the Meat of the animal, Head, sometimes trotters. Liver, Lungs and kidney will be shared post verified by doctors at the slaughter house. 

6) Average Qurbani Cost of a Goat/Sheep would approximately cost between 1800 DKK – 2600 DKK 

We have some of our brothers with experience in giving Qurbani in Copenhagen. Feel free to reach out to them should you need any further clarifications on the Qurbani Process in Denmark and they are more than happy to assist you. Please Contact Brother Syed Afsar – +45 31 66 91 66, Brother Haris Khan – + 45 30 77 89 28,                                             Brother Sharukh – +45 91 61 74 04.

 If you wish you share us any additional information about the procedures on Qurbani in Denmark that we have missed in this section – please feel free to reach out to council members or write to info@imadgroup.dk and we will update the page accordingly. 

Jazakhallah Khair. 

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